Junior Tennis

COMPETITION - Does your child want to play Junior Competition Tennis for the Mt. Carmel Tennis Club, Sunbury ?

Firstly though, what is Junior Competition Tennis ? - Competition tennis is the next natural step for students to take in their tennis that we feel have done very well during their lessons.  Your child can further develop their tennis by playing matches for our tennis club against other tennis clubs located throughout the local competition that are associated with.   

How do I know my child is ready to play competition ? - Basically, the coaches will only send or hand this letter/email to the children's parents that we feel are ready to start competition, we never pressure anyone.  During their lessons we are working with the kids on doubles match play, learning how to play the game, keeping score, court position and to serve and rally the ball. 
The fun stuff! - Your child will really enjoy competition as it gives them a chance to pit their skills against other children, socialize with other kids, make new friends and be part of a club environment. They will also come back to their tennis lessons on a weekly basis with improved skills, greater knowledge of the game and a goal to play better. In fact, tennis lessons will advance as children will have more questions and be able to feedback for the coaches as well. On top of all that they will simply improve taking tennis from once a week to twice. 
The Format

  • Saturday morning competition – 8.30am or 9.30am start 
  • Home one week away the next week or vice versa
  • Players are graded into teams based on ability 
  • It’s a 14-game season plus finals, played during school the term only  
  • Doubles matches = 3 sets per player each week
  • Singles Match = 12 set per player each week being 1 singles set, then 1 doubles set 
  • 4 players per home and away match, unisex or combined teams 

When does the next season start ? - The coaches will guide you to the correct competition and the provide you with the season details. Basically, there are 2 seasons per year, one in the first half being term 1 and 2 of the school year and then the next one starts in term 3 and finishes in term 4. *There is also some further and general information below as per the attachments*
What can do I do now ? - If you are confident that your child wants to play then please complete the sign up form here - SIGN UP FORM 

If you have any further questions, please do hesitate to contact Club Coach Andrew Peake anytime on 0412 225 792.
